A union of healers, advocates and community leaders in the central valley region of California who have come together to identify and mobilize the healing assets in the region, in order to benefit rural communities which are often excluded from high quality & holistic emotional, mental and spiritual care. The collective hosts free public healing clinics throughout the region- spanning from Merced down to Bakersfield.

“We created the Central Valley Healing Collective to bring healing, connection, transformation and wholeness to communities here in the valley. For so long, we had not seen ourselves reflected in the healing efforts being promoted across the region. We grew tired of people who- out of privilege- would come into our communities simply for their own benefit. It was time we built a collective made up of people who reflect and prioritize those who are disabled, who are undocumented, who are black, who are queer & trans, who are folks of color, who are native & indigenous, who are white & poor, along with any other group seeking healing at this moment. Personally, I have always felt connected to the outcast- to those who are misunderstood, questioned or told they don’t belong. We are often left to wonder: “what is wrong with us?” My response: Nothing, nothing is wrong with us! We are filled with unexplainable beauty- our black and brown skin, our sacred practices, our love for plantitas, our ability to grow anything out of love and our costumbres all connect us across generations. To my chosen/blood familia, creatives, activists, revolutionaries, organizers, movement builders, displaced communities, young people and precious babies: I want you to know that I love and cherish you as you are!
We are the ones we have been waiting for!”
- Grisanti Avendaño

In honor of the Movement for Black Lives, the Central Valley Healing Collective will be hosting a special healing clinic for our Black community across the Central Valley region!
Previous virtual clinics
For people who need support filling out the online form, you are welcome to call or text: (559) 612-1274

CVHC is honored to collaborate with ExpresArte Wellness Collective to bring you this clinic
FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @central_valley_healing
moments from Merced Clinic

Moments from Fresno clinic

Special Acknowledgement: