In this moment of political and global transition, the pressure to respond to the suffering in the world seems ever-mounting. For organizations, schools, governments, companies and community groups this pressure can lead to serious breakdowns in morale, health, communication, internal connectivity and external partnerships. But rarely are people offered the necessary tools to navigate and sustain themselves during moments of transition or crisis. In order to address this escalating trend, the Genesis Healing Institute designed a special set of resources. These tools are derived from a set of unified wisdom called the “Philosophy of Reunion”.
Healing Path to Racial Justice
Since its invention, Race and Racial Caste have enabled and perpetuated a level of suffering, violence, and oppression which is unfathomable in its scale and impact. Racialized scars have rarely, if ever, been permitted to meaningfully heal on an individual, societal, or global level. Racial Caste is a core “macro-wound” of humanity. It seeks to convert creative, complex, and sacred human beings into superficial, one-dimensional caricatures for the purpose of categorization and subsequent control. Once we receive our racial assignment, we are herded to be with “our own kind” while simultaneously being fed distorted images and narratives of people who were given different racial assignments. In this state of manufactured isolation, we become more vulnerable, more suspicious, and less resilient to the challenges of life. This discrete and separate existence is so counter to our nature that it requires the coerced consent and compliance of almost every person in society to maintain it. This process of racialization strips away the inherent sacredness of all people- both the dominant race (White-assigned people) and the objectified race (Black/Indigenous/Color-assigned people).
This framework is offered as a potential approach for healing this unconscionable and pernicious conditioning with the hope of restoring the sacredness of all people on this planet.

COVID Healing Roadmap
There is a complex web between an individual's experience of trauma and the contributing environmental, political, institutional & historical factors at play. This complexity entreats a tension not easily reconciled. While it is true that most trauma in our society stems from a larger social, economic, and/or political injustice, for an individual to begin their healing journey at such a scale can be overwhelming, disorienting and quite taxing. Yet on the other hands, healing efforts which individualize trauma to the exclusion of larger systemic/historic oppression, violence and injustice, are anemic, ineffective, and complicit in perpetuating the very trauma it professes to heal. Striking the proper balance between “the personal” and “the political” is a delicate healing art form. In order to navigate this tension, the Genesis Healing Institute has developed a roadmap meant to help individuals and healing practitioners navigate the journey toward healing during this pandemic and political uprising. This workshop is intended for individuals, groups and organizations wishing to utilize this roadmap.